Monday 28 October 2013

Physics 2a - Acceleration Formula Triangle

Here, is the acceleration formula triangle. It's like any other formula triangle except for the '(v-u)' bit at the top. Instead of simply entering a value, you have to work out a CHANGE IN VELOCITY. 'v' stands for the initial velocity and 'u' stands form the final velocity. You have to take away u from v which will give you this change in velocity. 

Let's look at some examples...
Use the formula triangle to find what equation you need to use.

Eg1: A man accelerates from 2m/s to 5m/s in 3 seconds. Find its acceleration.

Acceleration = Change in velocity ÷ Time
Acceleration = (5-2) ÷ 3
Acceleration = 3 ÷ 3
Acceleration = 1m/s²

Eg2: A car accelerates from 50m/s to 70m/s in 25 seconds. Find its acceleration.

Acceleration = Change in velocity ÷ Time
Acceleration = (70-50) ÷ 25
Acceleration = 20 ÷ 25
Acceleration = 0.8m/s²


  • Remember that the unit for acceleration is m/s²!
  • Even if the initial velocity is 0, remember to scribble it down while number crunching so you don't end up confusing yourself


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