Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Treaty of Neuilly, 1919 - Bulgaria

File:Flag of Bulgaria.svgThe Treaty of Neuilly is an easy treaty to learn as it didn't have many terms. Bulgaria played only a small part in WW1, and therefore wasn't treated very harshly. However, they were still punished, and some land was taken away from them to help build the new countries etc.
To read about the other treaties, please click the following links:

  • Bulgaria is to lose parts of her own land to help create Yugoslavia.
  • She is to also give parts of her own land to Greece and Bulgaria
  • Bulgaria is to pay £100million reparations from WW1
  • Bulgaria is allowed no more than 20,000 men in its armed forces
  • Although this treaty was not as harsh as the other treaties created in the Paris Peace Conference, it still had Bulgarians that were part of its former population being governed by foreign powers.


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