Monday 28 October 2013

Creating your own Digital Text

Unit 3 of digital communications is a series of controlled assessments.
  • Section A -> Writing your proposal for your digital text
  • Section B -> Create your own digital text
  • Section C -> Evaluate your created digital text
Below, I have inserted my Section B. Due to time constraints and the lack of professional equipment/actors etc, there are a few .. lets say .. hiccups but this was acknowledged and I ended up with a whopping full marks :D 
The story isn't true. The campaign was made up. I wasn't bullied, but please do support those who are bullied. Researching for this project did touch me at points. (And yeah, I do look so young here haha - YR9)
Update: Damn, seems like the video doesn't work. I guess you can just watch the flashing photos for inspiration.. haha


The question stated that I could choose any form of digital text. It then gave me a list of purposes and I chose 'to promote a campaign against bullying for secondary school students' as it seemed easy. The digital text I created was film... which I later learned was the WRONG text to choose!!!!!

My experience and advice..

I have a lot of experience in making videos for other projects, and I admit, it is quite fun. 
  1. I started by RESEARCHING! Research is the key to everything. Research other works that have the same or similar purpose to your own. Record techniques that you found were good and try to use and adapt them for your own.
  2. Then I created a basic plot for my video. This consisted of a beginning, middle and end. If you are doing a website or blog, make a list of pages or posts you would like to cover. If you are making a podcast, write down different types of people you would like to interview etc.
  3. After that, I went crazy story-boarding. I sketched about 20 pages worth shots, notes, diagetic &non-diagetic sound etc. If you are doing other digital texts, repeat step 2 but go into more detail. For example, if you are doing a blog, draft your posts for you are ready for your timed writing.
  4. This step was surprisingly the most torturous. Since I was alone, I had to ask friends and family to help me film after school. I couldn't do all the shots I wanted to do because time was of the essence, and they had their own controlled assessments to plan for.. which is why you should not do a video!!
  5. I edited my shots in the control assessment time :)

Tips for your Controlled Assessment!

  • Come prepared - draft, plan, film your shots. You want to come in knowing what you are doing because you only have 20hrs. In the room, you don't want to think, but do!
  • Research - research is the only thing that will get you your C- A*s. It is what the examiner is looking for.
  • Don't just do something because it looks pretty -  Make well thought-out decisions in preparation for Section C (you don't want to repeat Section A)
  • Choose your brief and form of digital text wisely ;) - Research each one prior to making a final decision!


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