Hitler had published all of his motives publicly, to the world, in 'Mein Kampf' - the book that he had wrote while he was in prison. He published this book in 1924, however, between 1933 and 1939, his plans came to life.
Here were Hitler's 3 main motives:
Defeat Communism!
Hitler was completely anti-Communist. He had hoped to go to war with the Soviet Union in order to colonize them, and turn them anti-Communist too. He had believe that the first world war and the treaty of Versailles were as a result of the Bolsheviks. The propaganda in 'Mein Kampf' boldy points this out:
"Germany is the next objective of Bolshevism."
Abolish the Treaty of Versailles!
Hitler absolutely despised 'The Treaty of Versailles' as it was a constant reminder of Germany's loses - he was a man obsessed with turning Germany and Austria (the country in where he was born) into great countries. He hated it so much that he called the leaders who had signed the treaty as 'November Criminals' despite how much they tried to avoid signing it. The treaty had made the country weak, and Hitler wanted to solve this.
Expanding German Territory!
As I had said before, Hitler was obsessed with trying to make Germany a great country. To most people's surprise, he had admired Britain and their navy, and aspired to be as great as them. Hitler aimed to unite with Austria, and to take back the countries that he had lost in the treaty of Versailles. He aimed to make more 'Lebenstraum' (living space) for the German people.
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