Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Terms of the Treaty of Versailles 1919

In 'The Treaty of Versailles' of 1919, there were 5 main controversial terms. You can remember these terms through the acronym:


1.  T - Territories & Colonies

  • Germany was now forbidden to join together with her former ally Austria. This was done to prevent them from becoming stronger and a threat to other countries quicker through Austria's help.
  • Germany's colonies became MANDATES. This meant that they would be given to the League of Nations (essentially Britain and France), and they would be given a PLEBISCITE (vote) after a certain amount of years as to who they wanted to belong to.
  • German overseas empires were taken away under the command of Britain. They had had an unfriendly relationship before the war as Britain felt they were in-charge of the seas.

2.  R - Reparations

  • The powers of the Paris Peace Conference had decided the Germany was to pay £6,600million worth reparations!
  • This was finally decided in 1921.
  • It meant that Germany would still be paying until 1984!

3.  A - Armed Forces

  • Germany weren't allowed CONSCRIPTION.
  • The maximum amount of people allowed in the German army was 100,000 men.
  • The Rhineland became a demilitarized zone - this was done for the protection of Alsace-Lorraine and France.
  • Germany weren't allowed to own air-crafts, armored vehicles or submarines. They were only allowed to have 6 battleships in their navy.

3.  W - War Guilt Clause

  • Clause 231 was the most hated clause by Germany, for pride's sake.
  • It stated that Germany was solely the cause of WW1.
  • Germany didn't even have a say in any of the terms, including this one.

3.  L - League of Nations

  • The League of Nations was to be set up!
  • Germany was not allowed to join this justice-making structure until it proved that it turned over a new leaf, and was good - what a pity .. (extreme sarcasm)


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